An innovative approach for connecting with your higher self
Start your personal and spiritual voyage of self-discovery
Quanthum Healing Hypnosis Technique
QHHT® is an innovative approach to access that all knowing part of ourselves that is also known as your higher self. Exploring experiences from the past and asking questions that you’ve always wanted the answers to can be a truly magical experience.
Past Life Regression
Explore your past lifes …. we have had many. This technique helps you clear and clense your mind of negative emotions from the past or in this life time that maybe trapped in the sub conscious mind. These emotions can be released during a past life session.
Trust in the Process
Wether you book an intensive 4-6 hour quantum healing session or a 2/3 hour past life regression you can be sure and you must trust that your sub conscious mind will show you exactly whats needed.
“Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. With QHHT®, clients are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within themselves”
What to expect from your QHHT session
Getting to know you. This gives you the chance to talk about your life without judgement in a safe setting.
Visit scenes from past lifes or experiences as we are eternal souls experiencing a temporary existence as a human. Your sub conscious will always take you where you need to go.
The ability to communicate with your higher self/over soul and receive answers to questions that you have always wanted to know. No question is off limits.
During this process your body will be scanned from head to toe working on any areas that need energetic healing or realignment
What is QHHT®
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was created by the world renowned past life hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Working with 1000’s of clients during her 45 year career she created this unique technique . The process works perfectly, enabling you to enter the deepest state of consciousness to access knowledge that can help you heal from and understand past situations and experiences.
How long will my session take?
Your session will last between 4-6 hours, however there are no time limits, this is a once in a life time experience so its best to keep the whole day free.
How do I prepare for my session?
Take some time out of your day relax and really think about the questions you have always wanted to know. Write them down and bring them to your session.
There are no limits.
Here are some examples.
1. What is my life purpose?
2. Why can I not sustain a loving relationship with a man/woman?
3. What career path should I take?
4. Am I in the right relationship?
5. Will I meet my soul mate?
6. How can I become rich?
7. Why do I have this illness?
8. How can I free myself from my addiction to drugs/alcohol/sex?
Before your session make sure you have eaten well and set an intention for an amazing life changing experience.
Please avoid caffeine, alcohol and recreational drug use at least 24 hours before your appointment.
More questions?
Feel free to get in touch